You can help lots of people by donating little. Our Projects
Help African children to get shelter

Providing safe shelters, UGAM considers children first. We put all our focus on places for children in crisis. We work to strengthen families in order to break the cycle of child abuse and neglect.
DONATE NOWHelp children to get Education

Disabled and orphaned children in Uganda are often denied their right to education and opportunities for work and training, despite their great ability and desire.
DONATE NOWMedical assistance

Provides healthcare to poor communities in rural areas of Uganda. Through medical fellowships,medicaments, treatmetments model and healthcare program.
DONATE NOWHelp Economic Opportunity

We provide Practical Training Skills and Courses for future Industry, through helping the rural communities and young people to expand their ability to create selfemployment to manage their personal finances smartly and effectively. You can now support youth in their Journey to Financial Independence
DONATE NOWLivestock farming skills

Livestock Farmers perform a variety of tasks associated with the breeding and maintaining of livestock.
By the provision of new livestock farming methods, this helps communities to grow themselves out of Poverty, grow Income and Conserve Forests.
Help Agro-Farmers in E.Africa

Agriculture is the backbone of the East African regional economy, as it accounts for about 32% of the region’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Growth in the agriculture sector helps raise incomes, create employment opportunities and reduces poverty.
DONATE NOWAction for Refugees

There are more than 60 million people displaced by conflict, persecution, war and climate catastrophes around the world. Displaced people are the most vulnerable, especially when international community response to these crises is minimal.
DONATE NOWUgam Homestead

Ugam Homestead provides physical and social infrastructure to link East African orphaned children with adoptive families from around the world. this self-sustaining campus cares for up to 80 orphans, plus staff, volunteers, and families going through the adoption process.
DONATE NOWHelp us to have clothes

Most of the African families are living below the poverty line, matter of fact, most parents especially those in rural areas can barely afford proper clothing for their children. Ugam is therfore raising funds and donations to dress up the needy children,in doing so it gives them confidence and happiness.
DONATE NOWVocational Training for Deaf Students

Children who are deaf can learn and practice their social skills best when they are part of a caring community and when they go to school. When children interact and spend time in a social group outside the family, they make a big leap in developing their social skills.
DONATE NOWHygienic and Accessible Water

The world is facing a clean water crisis. The sustainability of water resources is a top priority to all of us in the world Ugam e.V is raising awareness and funds to bring clean water to rural Ugandan communities.
DONATE NOWGrooming Talents in E.Africa

It will take work, it will take a fight, it will take true commitment, but most of all it requires the love of the sport which should push a true athlete to want to see it live through future generations.